A healthy smile begins with the proper care, and at times, removing a problematic tooth is essential.
Experience a smooth, comfortable tooth extraction tailored to your needs.
Tooth extraction is a dental treatment that gently removes a tooth from its bone socket. This process preserves your dental health from decay, infection, or crowding. While most extractions are simple, others may need surgical intervention, significantly if the tooth is impacted or fractured. Our dental professionals employ innovative techniques and sensitive attention to make the procedure as comfortable as possible.
After the extraction, your dentist will provide instructions to help you recover faster and avoid issues. This may include advice on how to manage discomfort, reduce swelling, and maintain oral hygiene. While tooth extraction might be challenging, it is essential to maintaining oral health.
Removing a troublesome tooth can help to avoid infection and ease ongoing discomfort. It can also free up space for optimal alignment, particularly when contemplating orthodontic procedures. Extraction can help with overcrowded or impacted teeth, allowing for a more straight smile. Eliminating a decaying or broken tooth also saves other teeth from similar problems.
Tooth extraction can help you eat and talk more effectively, improving your quality of life. Sometimes, teeth must be extracted before dentures or implants may be fitted. Finally, tooth extraction has long-term advantages that extend beyond acute alleviation.
There are two sorts of tooth extractions: simple and surgical.
Both types are carried out accurately and carefully. Your dentist will choose the optimal technique based on your specific needs and expertly guide you through the procedure.
Most extractions are conducted with a local anesthetic, so you should not feel discomfort during surgery. Any subsequent discomfort can be alleviated with prescription pain treatment.
Recovery time ranges from a few days to a week, with most patients returning to regular activities within a day or two. Your dentist will provide you with post-extraction guidelines to help you recuperate faster.
Yes, lost teeth can be replaced with dental implants, bridges, or dentures. Your dentist can advise you on the best option for your specific needs during your visit.
The tooth removal cost in Chennai generally ranges from ₹1,000 to ₹5,000, depending on the complexity and type of extraction.
The wisdom tooth removal cost in Chennai typically ranges from ₹3,000 to ₹10,000 per tooth, depending on the complexity of the procedure.